Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (2024)

Coffe Ice Cream Recipe - 6 Points

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coffe Ice Cream Recipe

Serves: 8Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (1)
Fibre 0 g, protein 2.9 g, fat 25 g
Calories/ serving 279
WW Poins per serving: 6

* 1 recipe Vanilla Ice Cream Custard
* 250 ml verry strong decaffeinated coffee
* 1 tablespoon coffee flavouring or liqueur

1. Prepare the Vanilla Ice Cream Custard
2. Brew the coffee using 500ml/16floz of water and 4 tablespoon of decaffeinated ground coffee. When brewed, simmer over a low heat until it reduces by half. Remove from the heat, whisk in the coffee flavouring or liqueur and allow to cool.
3. Whisk the cooled coffee mixture into the Vanilla Ice Cream Custard and cool to room temperature. Place in an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instruction.

Labels:6 points,between 200-300 calories,dessert recipes,ice cream recipes0comments

Vanilla Ice Cream Custard Recipe -8 Point

Vanilla Ice Cream Custard

Serves: 6Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (2)
Fibre 0 g, protein 3.8 g, fat 34 g
Calories/serving: 361
WW Points per serving: 8

* 1 500 ml cream
* 4 egg yolks
* 1/2 vanilla pod, slit open and scarped
* 5 tablespoon granular sugar substitute

1. Heat the cream in a heavy-based saucepan over low heat. Whisk in one egg yolk at a time. Add the vanilla pod scrapings and whisk until the custard begins to thicken. Remove from the heat and cool.
2. Beat one tablespoon of the sugar substitute at a time into the cooled custard.
3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instruction.
4. The cusard can be refrigerated and used as a delicious, rich dessert, or you could whisk in a tablespoon of brandy or brandy flavoring and serve it over berries.

Labels:8 points,between 300-400 calories,dessert recipes,ice cream recipes0comments

Chicken Wings Recipe - 8 points

Chicken Wings Recipe - 8 points

Serves: 6Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (3)
Calories/serving: 410
Fibre 0.5 g, protein 28.4 g, fat 29.2g
WW Points per serving 8750 g chicken wings ( about 12)
250 ml soy sauce
2 tablespoons granular sugar substitute
60 ml white wine
2 garlic cloves, peeled and mashed
60 ml sesme oil
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1. Rinse the chicken wings and pat dry with kichen paper. Cut into pices at the joins and discard the wing tips. Spread the wings in a shallow backing dish, but do not overlap them.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients and pour the sauce over the wings. Marinate overnight in the refrigerate.
3. Heat the oven to170C /325F/gas 3 and bake the chicken wings in the marinade for 1 1/2 hours. Serve warm.

Labels:8 points,between 400-500 calories,chicken recipe0comments

Chicken Burgers Recipe - 3 points

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (4)

Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers

For all you immediate matter junkies, here's a chickenhearted burger that you can neaten at habitation. Not exclusive it has a good sensing, but it's also rattling robust (it has lots of veggies) and it's only 3 points!

Makes 6 servings

250 g panorama wuss
1 egg mortal, softly abused
100 g mushrooms, sliced
1 onion, diced
1 stem herb, cut
1 tremendous herb, sprig
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
2 teaspoons soy sauce, saltish reduced
3 entire wheat Land muffins
1 herb
3 lettuce leaves

1. Writ the mushrooms, herb, onion, herb, egg covered and soy sauce in a matter processor until marmoreal.
2. Mix this with the fasten cowardly and enough cabbage crumbs to excrete a semisoft, but administrable texture.
3. Calculate the mix into 6 and then mould into balls.
4. On a hot tray rough with press, matter the balls land and gauge in a preheated oven.
5. Service on a muffin half with the lettuce foliage and 2 slices of tomato.

WW POINTS per serving: 3
Nutritional message per delivery: 172 calories, 2.6g fat, 3.5g fibre

Labels:3 points,between 100-200 calories,snack recipes0comments

Grilled Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 5 points

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (5)Watch Watchers Grilled Shrimp Scampi Recipe

I like shrimp, so when I initiate this direction, I knew I had to try this direction. It's very express and gentle, and has a discriminating, subtle sort (you can add author flavourer and shrub if you necessity a stronger taste).

Makes 4 servings

1 1/2 lbs psychic shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 tablespoon minced ail
3 tablespoons shredded forward parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup lemon humor
1 dash broken red attack flakes
1 flash broken inglorious bush, to sensing

1. In a monstrous, non-reactive construction, affect together the flavouring, herb, olive oil, artefact humour, and disgraceful seasoning. Weaken with low red shrub, if desired.
2. Add the shrimp; turn substantially to cover.
3. Marinate in the refrigerator for around 30 transactions.
4. Preheat the framework to place turn. Thread the peewee onto skewers, shrill erstwhile neighbor the outgrowth and once left the membrane.
5. Remove any of the remaining infuse.
6. Softly oil the restaurant barrier. Framework for virtually 2-3 minutes on apiece broadside (or until the peewee turns whitish).

WW POINTS per bringing: 5
Nutritional aggregation per delivery: 205 calories, 11g fat, 0.1g fiber

Labels:5 points,between 200-300 calories,sea food recipes0comments

Weight Watchers Easy Deviled Eggs Recipe - 1 point

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (6)

Weight Watchers Easy Deviled Eggs recipe

I freshly saved this direction and I eff to say these are probably the quickest, easiest and tastiest deviled eggs I've e'er ingested! The horseradish adds a immature move to the collection, and the river olives set the look retributory justness!

6 hard-boiled foodstuff, cooled and shells separate
1-1 1/2 tablespoon mustard
3-4 tablespoons mayo
1 containerful horseradish
1 teaspoon kickshaw pickle sapidity
1 scare seasoning and flavorer, to sensing
1 punctuation paprika (optional, to seize)
6 river olives, sliced (elective, to sequester)

1. Rocklike move the eggs; once they bang cooled, swing them in half and place the yolks in a transmission bowlful.
2. Using a leg, mortify the yolks until no lumps rest.
3. Add the mustard, mayonnaise, root and confection pickle zest.
4. Mix compartment, adjusting the ingredients to savor.
5. Add diplomacy and flavouring to savour.
6. Woodenware the weapon into the eggs (or, for a fancier informing, spoon the weapon into dough bag and tubing into the eggs).
7. Dress with paprika and/or olive slices. Deliver instantly or cool for after.

WW POINTS per serving: 1
Nutritional info per serving: 54 calories, 3.9g fat, 0.1g fiber

Labels:1 points,between 1-100 calories,eggs recipes2comments

The World`s 10 Unusual Food Combination

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

While some people know about these little tricks, the majority do not. These are small tips to help you improve the foods we commonly eat - most are recommended by top chefs and others by very experienced home cooks.

10. Carrots and Sugar

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (7)

While it may seem strange to add sugar to vegetables, it is a very common method of preparing carrots in France. The technical term for this dish is Vichy Carrots, in which you combine Carrots, Salt, Pepper, sugar, and Vichy water (a sparkling water from the Vichy region) and cook them down until the carrots are glazed. The sugar heightens the flavor of the carrots and the end result is a stunning dish of brilliantly orange vegetables.

9. Coffee and Salt

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (8)

Add a touch of salt to coffee to heighten the flavor - this is a very common use of salt as it is used in virtually all dishes (including sweet dishes served for pudding). Just a pinch is enough to make a brilliant espresso.

8. Tomatoes and Sugar

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (9)

Use sugar, not salt. Tomatoes are already acidic and the addition of salt just increases that acidic flavor. Sugar sweetens and increases the tomato flavor. Tomatoes are fruits after all.

7. Chocolate and Coffee

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (10)

When baking with chocolate, add a little coffee - it strengthens the chocolate flavor without adding a strong coffee flavor.

6. Meat and Aniseed

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (11)

When stewing meat, throw in a star anise - you can’t taste the aniseed but the flavor adds a deep richness to the meat. This is a trick used in all meat dishes by Heston Blumenthal the owner of the Fat Duck (3 Michelin stars) - voted the world’s best restaurant for three years in a row.

5. Cooking tomatoes and Foliage

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (12)

Throw in a tomato branch - the branch contains all of the flavor that we love in tomatoes - pick a leaf and smell it and you will see what I mean. Simply throw in a small stick of the tomato plant and it will give your cooked tomatoes a much stronger tomato flavor.

4. Potatoes and Nutmeg

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (13)

Add nutmeg - just a little - it adds a depth to the potatoes that people won’t recognize, but will definitely like. This is true of virtually every potato dish.

3. Chili and Chocolate

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (14)

Add chocolate to chili. It deepens the meaty flavor of the chili while giving a strong base note to the peppers. This is a trick well known in the South where Chili bake-offs are common.

2. Apples and Vanilla

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (15)

Apples are very acidic and normally require some sugar in their cooking. Most people add nutmeg or cinnamon to their apple dishes, but vanilla extract adds a deep layer of flavor that most people won’t recognize but will certainly appreciate.

1. Strawberries and Pepper

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (16)

Strawberries (fresh) are usually served with a sprinkling of confectioners sugar, but the addition of very finely ground pepper (from fresh corns) heightens the flavor.

Potato Salad Recipe - 4 points

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (17)

Potato Salad Recipe

Serves: 8
Fibre: 0.9g
Protein: 3g
Fat: 19g
Calories/serving: 202
WW Points: 4

  • 1 medium swede, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon granular sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 60g spring onions, finely chopped
  • 1 medium dill pickle, chopped
  • 120g celery with leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt dash paprika
  • 180g mayonnaise
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
  1. Cut the swede into four pieces.
  2. Drop into a saucepan of boiling water and boiling until tender, which should take about 30 minutes. Drain well and cool.
  3. After the swede has cooled, finely chop it and place in a salad bowl.
  4. Sprinkle with the sugar substitute, if using, and the lemon juice.
  5. Add trie spring onions, pickle, celery, salt, paprika and mayonnaise.
  6. Toss weil, then fold in the eggs.

Chill before serving

Labels:4 points,between 200-300 calories,potato recipes0comments

Fresh Tuna and Avocado Salad Recipe - 5 points

Fresh Tuna and Avocado Salad Recipe

Serves: 6
Fibre: 2.1 g
Protein: 34.6 g
Fat: 12.3 g
Calories/serving: 269Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (18)
WW Points: 5

  • 675 g fresh tuna steaks butter, for basting
  • 1 large avocado, stoned, peeled and cubed
  • 2 celery sticks, chopped
  • 6 radishes, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar
  • ½ small onion, peeled and chopped
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • salt to taste
  • 1 recipe Lime Dill Dressing
  1. Heat the grill to its highest temperature. Grill the tuna steaks for 5 minutes on each side. If necessary, baste with butter during cooking to prevent the tuna drying out.
  2. Toss all the ingredients, except for the tuna, în a medium bowl umil well combined, then drizzle with the Lime Dill Dressing. Divide between 6 plates.
  3. Slice the fish into strips and place across the top of each plate of salad.

Labels:5 points,between 200-300 calories,fish recipes,salad recipes0comments

The Weird Things People Eat Around the World

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Half the fun of traveling is getting out and enjoying all sorts of foods you're not used to eating. A simple trip to the corner market or grocery store in a foreign land can keep you amused for hours.

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (19)
Can you guess what these little buggers are?

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (20)
Nothing like a Beijing street market to test your gag reflexes. Yep, still works

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This one is my favorite. "Half fish filet and tartar sauce, half egg over hard and yakisoba noodles," found in Japan. Awesome!

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (22)
These dried lizards found in Hong Kong are used for soup.

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Some people like their sushu a little too fresh.

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This stuff is called Natto, and it's made from fermented soybeans. It looks like old baked beans and snot.

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It's org*smic.

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These are candied cordyceps from China. I had to use trusty Wikipedia to figure out what a cordyceps is, and it turns out it's a type of fungi. That's not so bad!

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Black beans are good. Cheese is good. But black bean cheese? I dunno -- it sort of looks like a bowl of ash. I guess I'd try it; it is the natural black foodstuffs, after all.

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Spotted at the Raleigh, N.C. BugFest.

and, finally..
Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (29)
Chocolate french fries in Seattle.


Creamy Cauliflower Soup Recipes

Creamy Cauliflower Soup Recipes

Serves:4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (30)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Calories/serving 165, 16 g protein, 1 g fat, 22g carbohydrate, 5 g dietary fibre, 200mg sodium, 680 kJ

* 1kg cauliflower, roughly chopped
* 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock
* 1 onion, roughly chopped
* 3 bay leaves
* 1 mint sprig
* 100 g skim milk powder
* 1 tablespoon snipped chives

1. Place all ingredients, except the milk powder and chives, in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes, or until the cauliflowre is tender.
2. Remove and discard the bay leaves and mint. Leave the soup to cool a little, then puree in a food procesor or blender, gradualy adding the mil powder. Reheat the soup. Serve in deep soup bowls sprinkled with chives.

Labels:3 points,between 100-200 calories,soup recipes0comments

Tomato Soup Recipe - 1 Points

Tomato Soup Recipe

Serves:4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (31)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

Calories/serving 80, 4 g protein, 3 g fat, 10 g carbohydrete, 4 g dietary fibre, 75 mg sodium, 345 kJ

A good source of vitamins A, B1, B3, C, E, potasium and iron.

* 2 teaspoons olive oil
* 1 onion, diced
* 1 garlic clove, crushed
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1kg ripe tomatoes, rougly chopped
* 1 tablespoon tomato pasta (concentrated puree ), no added salt
* 750ml vegetavle or chicken stok
* 1 bunch of fresh herbs (tie together stalks of parsley, thyme, mint and rosemary)

1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion and garlic, then cover and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring ocasionally.
2. Ad the sugar, tomatoes and tomato paste and cook for furder 2-3 minutes. Add the stock and herbs, bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 5 minutes (do not over cook). Remove and dscard the herbs.
3. Leave the soup to cool a little, then puree. Push the puree through a sieve to remove any pices of tomato skin. Season with freshly ground pepper.

You can dress the soup with 1 teaspoon low-fat natural yoghurt.

Labels:1 points,between 1-100 calories,soup recipes0comments

Tzatziki Recipe - 0 Points

Tzatziki Recipe

Serves: 4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (32)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
co*king time: nil

Calories/serving 35, 3.5g protein, 4.5 carbohydrete, 1g dietary fibre, 50mg sodium, 155kJ.

A source fo vitamin C and calcium.

* 3 Lebanese (short) cucumbers
* 1 garlic clove, crushed
* 200g low-fat natural yoghurt
* 1 large handful mint, finley chopped

1. Grate the cucumber and souceze as much liqued as posible.
2. Combine the cucumber with the remaining ingrdients.
3. Serve as a dip or a delicios topping for papatos, or as an accompaniament to grill lamb.

Labels:0 points,between 1-100 calories,topping recipes,tzatziki recipes0comments

Hummus Recipe - 3 Points

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hummus Recipe

Serves: 4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (33)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour + 1 hour standing

Calories/serving: 245, 13g protein, 9.5g fat, 28f carbohydrate,
10g dietery fiber, 30mg sodium, 1030kJ
A good source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, E, potasium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc

* 220g dried chickpeas
* 2 garlic cloes, peeled
* 2 tablespoons tahini
* 60 ml lemon juice

1. Place the chickpeans and 1 litre water in a large saucepan, bring to the boil, then cover and cook for 1 minute.Turn off the heat and
leave to stand for 1 hour.
2. Drain the chickpeas and cover with fresh water. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer gently for 1 hour. Do not discard the cooking liquid.
3. In a food processor or a blender, process the chickpeas with the gerlic, tahini and lemon juice, adding enough of the chickpea cooking liquid to make a thick paste.

Use hummus as a spread, dip or serve with labouleh salad.

Labels:3 points,between 200-300 calories,hummus recipes0comments

Weight Watchers: Carrot and Orange Soup

Serves: 4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (34)
Prepaation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Calories/serving: 140
Agood source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C,
potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron.

* 750g carrots, sliced
* 1 large potato, peeled and sliced
* 500 ml vegetable stok
* 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
* 250 ml orange juice
* 125g natural yoghurt
* 1 handful coriander ( ciantro ) leaves

1. Place the carrots, potatos, stock and ginger into a saucepan, bring to the boil,
then cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
Leave the soup to cool a little, then puree in a food procesor or a blender until smooth,
adding the orange juice as you puree.
2. Reheat the soup. Sprinkle with freshly ground bleck pepper if desired, and top with
a dollop of yoghurt. Sprinkle with coriander.

Labels:3 points,between 100-200 calories,soup recipes,vegetable recipes2comments

Weight Watchers: Mushroom Soup

Serves: 4
Prepartion time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Calories/serving 125 Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (35)
A good source of vitamins B2 and B3.

* 2 teaspoons olive oil
* 1 red onion, chopped
* 2 garlic cloves, crushed
* 2 teaspoons dijon mustard
* 1 teaspoon dried tarragon
* 600g flat or field mushrooms, roughly chopped
* 750ml vegetable or chicken stock
* 125 ml red wine
* 2 tablespoons natural yoghurt
* 1 tablespoon snipped chives

1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over low heat, add onion and garlic and cook for 3-4 minutes,
allowing the onion to browen slightly.
2. Add the mustard, tarrgon and mushroom and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, stirring gently.
3. Add the stock and wine, bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Leave the soup to cool a little, the puree in a food processor or blender.
Serve topped with yoghurt and sprinkled with chives.

Try to find field mushrooms for this soup because they have a strong flevor. You can add finnley chopped parsley for a better flavor.

Labels:2 points,between 100-200 calories,mushroom recipes,soup recipes0comments

Weight Watchers: Avocado and Lemon Chilled Soup

Serves: 4Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (36)
Preparation time: 5 minutes + 30 minutes refrigeration
Calories/serving: 175

* 1 large ripe avocado
* 750 ml cold chicken stok
* 60 ml lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
* 250g low-fat natural yoghurt
* 1 small handful mint, plus extra mint leaves, to serve

1. Place the avocado flesh into a food processor or blender with the remaining
ingredients and process until smooth.
2. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes, or place in the freezer for 15 minutes to chill.
Serve garnished with mint.

If you want a vegetarian meal use vegetable stock in place of the chicken stock.

Labels:3 points,between 100-200 calories,soup recipes0comments

Fractals For Food: If You Eat This, Will You Become Better At Math?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You probably have seen it before, but this vegetable never ceases to amaze me.

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Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (38)

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (39)

This is "Chou Romanesco" cauliflower
(more images and some great facts are here).
"When you come across it in a grocery store... on first encounter it's hard to imagine you're looking at a garden vegetable rather than an alien artefact created with molecular nanotechnology."
Read more about it here,
and about a man-made "Brocciflower" here

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Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (41)

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (42)
Photo by Benjamin Pender

More cabbage weirdness:

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Photo by Tuffen

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Photo by Narcissa

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (45)

Weight Watchers: Franch Onion Soup

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 15 minutesWeight Watchers Recipes and Diets (46)
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Calories/serving 240, 13g protein, 7.5g fat,
30g carbohydrate, 5g dietery fibre, 440 mg sodium.
A good source of vitemins B1, B3, C, potasium, calcium, iron and zinc

* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1 kg onion, tinly sliced
* 1 teaspoon dried thyme
* 1 teaspoon soft brown sugar
* 2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
* 1.25 litres chiken or vegetable stock
* 4 bay leaves
* 4 slices of sourdough baguette
* 2 tablespoon dijon mustard
* 60g grated cheddar cheese

1. Place the oil, onions, thyme and sugar in a heavy-based saucepan and cook over gentle heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes. Do not allow the onions to brown.
2. Add the vinegar, stock and bay leaves, bring to the boil, then cover for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, prehat over to 180C. Spread the bread with mustard, and place on a baking bay.
Bake for 8 minutes or until crisp. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese, and return to the oven for 2 minutes until cheese mels.
4. Ladle the soup into bowls and top each with a slice of the toast.

Labels:5 points,between 200-300 calories,soup recipes0comments

Weight Watchers: Swiss Muesli

Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (47)Serves: 4
Preparation time 10 minutes+ overnight refrigeration
Calories/serving: 350

12g protein, 9g fat, 52g carbohydrate, 5.5g dietery fibre, 35mg sodium.
A good source of vitamins B1, B2, and E , Magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc.

* 200g rolled oats
* 250ml reduced fat milk
* 2 apples, unpeeled, cored and grated
* 30g chopped huzelnuts
* 200g low-fat honey yoghurt

1. Combine the oats and milk in a lowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
2. In the morning, add the grated apple, huzelnuts and yoghurt and mix well.

Labels:7 points,between 300-400 calories,fruit recipes,muesli recipes0comments

Weight Watchers: Corn Scones With Avocado

Monday, April 7, 2008

Serves : about 30
Preparation Time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 7-8 minutes
Calories/serving: 25
Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (48)
* 75g white self-rasing flour
* salt and pepper
* 5ml baking powder
* 25g maize meal or fine semolina
* 15ml caser sugar
* 25g butter
* milk

* 125g full-fat soft cheese
* 1 avocado, roughly mashed
* 1 hard-boiled egg, finely chopped
* 15ml lemon juice
* dash each of
Worcestershire seuce and paprika
* 175g rindless lesn bacon, grilled and crumble

1. Shif the flour with a pinch of salt and baking powder into bowl. Stir in the maize meal and caster sugar. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
2. Make a well in the center and stir in enough milk to give a soft dough, about 45-60 ml. Knead lightly, then rollout to 5mm -1cm thickness. Cut into rounds using a 2.5cm cutter. Place on a baking sheet and cush with milk.
3. Bake at 220C (425F) mark 7 for about 7-8 minutes or until risen the light golden. Leave to cool.
4. To make the avocado topping, mix the soft cheese with the avocado, hard-boiled egg, lemon juice, Worcestershire seuce and paprika. Season to taste and cover tightly.
5. Split the cold scones in half and spoon on the avocado topping. Sprinkle with crumbled bacon and serve.

Labels:0 points,between 1-100 calories,corn recipies,fruit recipes0comments

Weight Watchers: Wholemeal Banana and Orange Pancakes

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Serves : 6
Preparation time: 10 minutes + 20 minutes standing time
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Weight Watchers Recipes and Diets (49)
150 Calories/serving

* 500ml skim milk
* 1 large banana
* 150g wholemeal flour
* 1 teaspoon finley grated orange-zest
* 2 eggs, separated
* light olive oil or macadamia oil, to grease
* 50 ml orange juice

1. Place the milk, banana, flour, orange zest and egg youlks into a blender and process until smooth. Leave to stand for 20 minutes.
2. When ready to cook the pancake, beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold gently into pancake batter using a metalspoon.
3. Heat a heavy-besed frying pan over medium heat and lightly grease with oil. Pour about one six of the batter into pan, swirl to spread in over the base of the pan, and cook untilbubbles appear on the sourface and the underside is lightly browened. Turn the pancake over and cook the other side until browen. Stack the cooked pancakes on a plate and keep warm while cooking the remainder.
4. Serve the pancake sprinkled with orange juice.

Labels:3 points,between 100-200 calories,pancakes recipies0comments

Weight Watchers: French Fruit Toast

Serves: 2
Preparation Time :10 minutesWeight Watchers Recipes and Diets (50)
Cooking time: 5 minutes

285 Calories/serving

* 120 ml reducedfat milk
* pinch of ground cinnamon
* 1 teaspon finley grated lemon zest
* 2 egg
* 4 slice of fruit loaf
* melted butter or oil, to grease
* 1 teaspoon icing sugar

1. Beat together the milk, cinnamon, lemon zest and eggs. Dip the fruit loaf slices into the milk mixture, allowing the liquid to soak into the bread.
2. Heat a heavy- based frying pan over medium heat, brush the panwith a little melted butter or oil and cook the bread until brown both sides. Sprinkle with incing shugar serve immediately.

Labels:5 points,between 200-300 calories,toast recipies0comments

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.