Romantic Love Phrases and Cute Love Quotes in German (2024)

Say something lovely and cute in German to your sweetheart

Do you want to impress your crush?

Here are some German quotes about love and cute romantic phrases that you can use (not only for Valentine’s Day).

These romantic German phrases are beautiful ways to express your love and to flirt a little.

Ich liebe dich jede Sekunde meines Lebens.
I love you every second of my life.

Du bist so wunderschön!
You are so beautiful!

Dein Lächeln verändert meinen ganzen Tag.
Your smile changes my whole day.

Alles, was ich jemals wollte, war dich zum Lächeln zu bringen.
All I ever wanted to do was to make you smile.

Niemand ist perfekt, aber du bist perfekt für mich.
Nobody’s perfect but you’re perfect for me.

Ich esse nicht, ich schlafe nicht, ich tue nichts anderes, als an dich zu denken.
I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I do nothing but think of you.

Ich liebe den Moment, wenn du mir in die Augen schaust und dann lächelst.
I love the moment when you look into my eyes and smile.

Du bringst Farbe in mein Leben und ein Funkeln in meine Augen.
You add color to my life and a sparkle to my eyes.

Wenn ich krank wäre, würde dein Lächeln die süßeste Medizin sein.
If I were sick, your smile would be the sweetest medicine.

Ich könnte eine Million Mädchen küssen, aber es würde nicht so viel bedeuten, wie deine Hand zu halten.
I could kiss a million girls but it wouldn’t mean as much as holding your hand.

Du bist immer noch das erste, was mir einfällt, wenn sie sagen: „Wünsch dir was.“
You’re still the first thing that I think about when they say, „Make a wish.“

Halt einfach die Klappe und küss mich.
Just shut up and kiss me.

Don't stop now - repeat these romantic phrases again and again!

Repeat these cute German quotes about love and romantic until you’ve learned them by heart.

Can you pronounce the word ‘wunderschön‘ that appeared in the second sentence?

Did you notice the o umlaut?

Follow the pink link above and I’ll teach you how to pronounce the umlauts.


How to say I love you in German?

In this lesson I cover ways to say I love you in German! I also do a review of pronouns and verb conjugation. If you are interested in learning German, you can’t miss it.

Don’t worry, it won’t be that complicated. Listen to the examples and then try to answer the questions.

>>> How to say I love you in German

Romantic Love Phrases and Cute Love Quotes in German (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.