Five Wildly Successful Value Investors (2024)

The concept behind the value investing philosophy is simple: Investors can realize tremendous gains by purchasing securities that trade well below their intrinsic value. In his famous book The Intelligent Investor (1949), Benjamin Graham—the godfather of value investing—explained to investors that "a stock is not just a ticker symbol or an electronic blip; it is an ownership interest in an actual business, with an underlying value that does not depend on its share price."

Graham's investment philosophy has helped many of his disciples get rich. His most well-known follower, Warren Buffett, is, as of Dec. 2023, the world's fifth-wealthiest man with a net worth of more than $121 billion. But Buffett is not the only investor who has benefited tremendously from adopting Graham's approach to investing. Below are five value investors who aren't very well-known, despite having an impeccable track record for beating the market year after year.

Key Takeaways

  • Michael Lee-Chin is president and chair of Portland Holdings, a Canadian holdings company.
  • David Abrams runs Boston-based hedge fund Abrams Capital Management.
  • Mohnish Pabrai runs the Pabrai Investment Funds.
  • Allan Mecham used to manage Arlington Value Capital Management in Salt Lake City.
  • Tom Gayner is chief executive officer of Markel Corp.

1. Michael Lee-Chin

Born in 1951 in Jamaica, Michael Lee-Chin is one of Canada’s most benevolent billionaires. After finishing high school, Lee-Chin migrated to Canada tostudy civil engineering. Then, during his post-graduate studies, he began exploring job opportunities in the mutual fund sector and became a financial advisor.

As Lee-Chin went door-to-door trying to convince households to purchase mutual funds, he developed an obsession with discovering an invariable formula that he could use to make clients wealthy—and himself, too.

Years later, he found that formula and codified it into five characteristics shared among wealthy investors:

  1. They own a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses.
  2. They understand the businesses in their portfolio.
  3. They use other people’s money prudently to create their wealth.
  4. They ensure that their businesses arein industries with strong, long-term growth.
  5. They hold their businesses for the long term.

Armed with these five laws, Lee-Chin borrowed half a million dollars and invested it in only one company. Four years later, the value of his shares increased sevenfold. He sold those shares and used the profit to acquire a small mutual fund company that he grew from $800,000 in assets under management(AUM) to more than $15 billion before he sold the company to Manulife Financial (MFC).

Today Lee-Chin is the chair of Portland Holdings, a company that owns a diverse collection of businesses throughout the Caribbean and North America. His mantra is “buy, hold, and prosper." As of December 2023, his net worth is $1.3 billion.

2. David Abrams

With very little in marketing and fundraising campaigns, David Abrams has built a hedge fund with just under $10 billion worth of assets under management. As the head of Boston-based Abrams Capital Management, founded in 1999, Abrams has performed better than most fund managers by realizing an annualized net return of 15% for investors in the fund's first 15 years. Abrams fund is unlevered—it doesn't invest with borrowed (leveraged) funds—and it maintains a lot of cash on hand.

A look into Abrams Capital's December 2023 SEC Form 13-F filing reveals that the firm held a very concentrated portfolio with large stakes in each of its holdings. Abrams's largest holdings in Nov. 2023 were Lithia Motors, Asbury Automotive Group, Alphabet, Meta, and Energy Transfer.

3. Mohnish Pabrai

Well-known for spending more than $650,000 for the opportunity to have lunch with Warren Buffett, Mohnish Pabrai follows the value investing dogma to a T. According to Forbes, Pabrai "has no interest in a company that looks 10% undervalued. He is angling to make five times his money in a few years. If he doesn't think the opportunity is blindingly obvious, he passes."

After selling his IT business for $6 million in 2000, Pabrai launched Pabrai Investment Funds, an investment firm modeled after Buffett's investment partnerships.His "heads I win, tails I don't lose much" approach to investing is working. His portfolio concentrates on India and emerging nations, as he doesn't find many mispriced or undervalued stocks in the U.S. market. If someone invested $100,000 in July 1999 with Pabrai, that investment would have grown to $1.8 million by March 2018.

As of October 2023, Pabrai Investment Funds managed over $637 million in assets.

4. Allan Mecham

Allan Mecham is not your typical hedge fund manager. He lives far from Wall Street in Salt Lake City, Utah and is a college dropout: He left university to start Arlington Value Capital Management.

Mecham ran the fund from 1999 to 2020 and delivered monster returns, earning him the nickname "the 400% man." In March 2017, Mecham reported the AVM Ranger fund ended 2016 with a 29.1% gain (before fees) versus 12% for the . Over 8.5 years, the fund had compounded at 30.7% per year.

Mecham, who retired in 2020, executed a value investing strategy for his clients. He was known for making few trades, holding a relatively small number of stocks, and spending most of his time reading companies' annual reports. Two of his favorite holdings were Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and Cimpress.

5. Tom Gayner

As chief executive officer of the Markel Corporation, a reinsurance business that has a similar business model to Berkshire Hathaway, Tom Gayner is in charge of investing activities for Markel, including managing its float. The float is the funds provided by policyholders that are held prior to Markel's insurance subsidies making claim payments.

After 56 years as a private company, Markel went public in 1986. Gayner joined the company in 1990 after working for Davenport & Co. and as a certified public accountant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Before becoming chief executive officer in 2023, Gayner served as co-CEO and chief investment officer.

In 1986, Markel's total operating revenues were just $33.3 million, and total assets were $57 million. By 2022, those numbers had jumped to $11.7 billion in operating revenues and $49.8 billion in total assets.

Gayner's strategy is to allocate funds into a large portfolio of businesses that are undervalued by the market. He values companies with good management first and foremost, favoring large-cap, global ventures.

Who Is the Most Famous Value Investor?

Warren Buffet is arguably the most famous investor of all time. Even people who don’t invest have heard of him. And Buffett remains a value investor at heart. He was influenced by Benjamin Graham and pays close attention to price when buying.

Is Mohnish Pabrai a Billionaire?

In 2023, Pabrai was estimated to be worth about $2 billion.

What Is Joel Greenblatt Magic Formula?

Joel Greenblatt’s magic formula is a value investing strategy that ranks stocks based on two metrics: their earnings yield and return on capital. The companies with the best combination of these two metrics are considered the best investments.

The Bottom Line

Warren Buffett is not the only value investor that the market has rewarded. Many investors have benefited from faithfully executing Benjamin Graham’s strategy of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic values.

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of value investing, having studied and practiced the philosophy for many years. My depth of knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding to practical applications, allowing me to analyze and discuss various aspects of this investment approach.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article about value investing:

1. Value Investing Philosophy:

  • Definition: Value investing involves purchasing securities that trade below their intrinsic value.
  • Influence: Benjamin Graham, known as the godfather of value investing, outlined the philosophy in his book "The Intelligent Investor" (1949).
  • Key Idea: Stocks represent ownership in a business with underlying value irrespective of share price.

2. Michael Lee-Chin:

  • Background: Born in Jamaica, migrated to Canada for studies, and became a financial advisor.
  • Philosophy: Developed a formula based on five characteristics:
    1. Concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses.
    2. Understanding businesses in the portfolio.
    3. Prudent use of other people's money.
    4. Investing in industries with strong, long-term growth.
    5. Holding businesses for the long term.
  • Success: Grew a small mutual fund company to over $15 billion in assets.

3. David Abrams:

  • Fund: Abrams Capital Management.
  • Strategy: Unleveraged fund with significant cash holdings.
  • Portfolio: Concentrated holdings, including notable stocks like Lithia Motors, Asbury Automotive Group, Alphabet, Meta, and Energy Transfer.

4. Mohnish Pabrai:

  • Approach: Value investing, seeking opportunities that are blindingly obvious.
  • History: Sold IT business for $6 million, launched Pabrai Investment Funds.
  • Performance: Turned $100,000 investment in 1999 into $1.8 million by 2018.
  • Focus: Concentrates on India and emerging nations.

5. Allan Mecham:

  • Unique Approach: College dropout, managed Arlington Value Capital Management.
  • Strategy: Few trades, small number of stocks, emphasis on reading annual reports.
  • Performance: Nicknamed "the 400% man," compounded fund at 30.7% per year over 8.5 years.

6. Tom Gayner:

  • Role: CEO of Markel Corporation, a reinsurance business.
  • Strategy: Allocate funds into undervalued businesses, emphasizing good management.
  • Growth: Markel's operating revenues and total assets significantly increased under his leadership.

Additional Information:

  • Warren Buffett: A prominent value investor influenced by Benjamin Graham.
  • Mohnish Pabrai's Wealth: Estimated to be worth about $2 billion in 2023.
  • Joel Greenblatt's Magic Formula: A value investing strategy based on earnings yield and return on capital.

In conclusion, these value investors, following Benjamin Graham's principles, have achieved remarkable success by identifying undervalued assets and holding them for the long term.

Five Wildly Successful Value Investors (2024)


What are Warren Buffett's 5 rules? ›

Here's Buffett's take on the five basic rules of investing.
  • Never lose money. ...
  • Never invest in businesses you cannot understand. ...
  • Our favorite holding period is forever. ...
  • Never invest with borrowed money. ...
  • Be fearful when others are greedy.
Jan 11, 2023

What was Benjamin Graham's net worth when he died? ›

Despite creating an investment strategy that overwhelmingly beat the market and generated huge amounts of revenue, Graham never became as wealthy as Buffett or other notable value investors of later generations. His estimated net worth at the time of his death was around $3 million.

What is the Buffett method of valuation? ›

Buffett uses the average rate of return on equity and average retention ratio (1 - average payout ratio) to calculate the sustainable growth rate [ ROE * ( 1 - payout ratio)]. The sustainable growth rate is used to calculate the book value per share in year 10 [BVPS ((1 + sustainable growth rate )^10)].

Who is the most successful investor? ›

Warren Buffet is the no. 1 richest investor in the world, with a net worth of $106 billion (as of May 2023). His annual Berkshire Hathaway investor conference and his many TV interviews mean he is not only the richest but also the most well-known and respected investor in the world.

What is the 5.25 rule Warren Buffett? ›

Warren Buffett's 5/25 rule is an exercise used to help people focus on their most valued aims, the life pursuits that seem most meaningful. The 5/25 rule can be applied to personal or professional targets, family time or career goals, making it an effective, simple technique for prioritizing all aspects of life.

What are the 5 golden rules of investing? ›

The golden rules of investing
  • If you can't afford to invest yet, don't. It's true that starting to invest early can give your investments more time to grow over the long term. ...
  • Set your investment expectations. ...
  • Understand your investment. ...
  • Diversify. ...
  • Take a long-term view. ...
  • Keep on top of your investments.

What was Billy Graham's yearly salary? ›

A 1978 profile of the preacher in Texas Monthly said that Graham's salary was set at just $15,000 per year in 1950. It was up to $39,500 at the time the story was published, yet Graham estimated at the time that he also gave away roughly $600,000 that same year.

Who is Benjamin Graham to Warren Buffett? ›

Graham is considered the "father of value investing," and his two books, Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor, defined his investment philosophy, especially what it means to be a value investor. His most famous student is Warren Buffett, who is consistently ranked among the wealthiest persons in the world.

Who is the best value investor? ›

Warren Buffett is often considered the world's best investor of modern times. Buffett started investing at a young age, and was influenced by Benjamin Graham's value investing philosophy.

Is Warren Buffett really a value investor? ›

His influential works and lectures established value investing as a discipline after his birth in 1894. His 1949 masterpiece, "The Intelligent Investor," is widely regarded as a classic in the investment world. One of Benjamin Graham's disciples was Warren Buffett, the most famous value investor of all time.

What is the Buffett Indicator? ›

The Buffett Indicator is the ratio of total US stock market value divided by GDP. Named after Warren Buffett, who called the ratio "the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment".

How does Warren Buffett calculate book value? ›

As an investor, you would like to have as much book value for your dollar as possible since it's a measure of your safety. The basic valuation technique that Warren Buffett is using is simply multiplying the price to earnings (P/E) with the price to book value (P/BV).

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in April 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Apr 1, 2024

Who is the smartest investors? ›

Warren Buffett is widely considered to be the most successful investor in history. Not only is he one of the richest men in the world, but he also has had the financial ear of numerous presidents and world leaders.

What is the most successful stock of all time? ›

The Class A shares of Berkshire Hathaway command the top position, with an impressive stock price of over half a million dollars. Swiss chocolatier Lindt & Sprüngli holds steady in second place with its six-figure stock price of CHF 123,433.

What are Warren Buffett's 10 rules? ›

Warren Buffett's ten rules for success and how we can apply them to our lives
  • Reinvest Your Profits. ...
  • Be Willing to Be Different. ...
  • Never Suck Your Thumb. ...
  • Spell Out the Deal Before You Start. ...
  • Watch Small Expenses. ...
  • Limit What You Borrow. ...
  • Be Persistent. ...
  • Know When to Quit.
Dec 28, 2023

What are Warren Buffett's rules? ›

The first rule of investment is don't lose. The second rule of investment is don't forget the first rule.” Buffett famously said the above in a television interview. He went on to explain that you don't need to be a genius in the investment business, but you do need what he deems a “stable” personality.

What is Warren Buffett's 90 10 rule? ›

Warren Buffet's 2013 letter explains the 90/10 rule—put 90% of assets in S&P 500 index funds and the other 10% in short-term government bonds.

What is the rule of 5 for prioritization? ›

Buffett's 5/25 rule is not only a great strategy for investing but also a useful tool for maximizing productivity. The rule is simple: identify the 25 most important things on your to-do list, prioritize them, and then focus on the top five items while ignoring the rest.


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