99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (2024)

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (1)

Top 10 Questions About Pick Up Lines

What are good pick up lines?

A good pick up line hasfine written all over it andis one that makes the person smile. It does not have to be a really hard thing to do. You can be cute, you can be funny, or you can just say what your intentions are.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (2)

What does “pick up line” mean?

Every bit of conversation can be a “pick up line”. The meaning behind it all depends on what you are trying to say or do. The details are in thefine print.

A pick up line is usually a signal that someone wants to flirt with the person they are talking to.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (3)

Why do pick up lines work?

Pick up lines work because they make people feel something. When you say something cute or funny, the person could be flattered and laugh with you–or feel irritated and want to brush the pickup line off. What works for one person might not work for another. Which is to say some of these will drive the rightguys crazy.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (4)

How do you pick up your crush?

First you need to understand that your chances of being successful with the person are low.

But, if you like them and think they are cute and smart then come on out of your shell!

People love people who can make them laugh. So always be funny and fun to be around.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (5)

How do you pick up a guy through text?

Texting can be really good for flirting. It’s an easy back and forth. You can’t really get rejected a lot because it is not face to face.

If you like someone who likes cute texts, send them them!

Things like “I can’t stop thinking about how cute you are” or “You know I’m sort of into you, right?”

These things take time.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (6)

What to say to pick up a girl?

Girls are cute and sweet, but they can also be a little tough. Unless the situation calls for it, don’t use a phrase like, “Hey, all my prayers were answered when I saw you in those jeans.”

You should use your wit to show her how much you like her!

Saying a cheesy pick up linelike “I’ve been thinking about kissing you” or another cheesy pick up linelike “Hey I want to get your number” will set the tone for flirting with this girl.

She’ll at least know that you are not aiming for the friend zone.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (7)

Do girls like pick up lines?

It’s not just you. Girls absolutely love cute pick up lines! They can be cheesy or cute, but the funny ones always work.

The cute ones are usually more appropriate for public places, like the library or coffee shop.

The funny ones should be reserved for social settings where people know each other fairly well because they can come off as rude if you don’t have a good sense of humor. Everyone involved should be laughing, not just you.

Girls love to laugh so if you say something that makes them smile then there is a pretty good chance she’ll like it and reciprocate your interest in her.

Just make sure not to use the same line over again because girls will get bored really fast.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (8)

Are pick up lines important?

They are extremely important because they are the first conversation you will have with somebody.

If your pick-up line is cute and funny, it’s more likely that they’ll be interested in talking to you because cute and funny things make people happy.

Don’t mess this up and think all you have to do is say your name and how cool you think you are.

A good pick up line important because cute pick up lines evoke an emotional response.

If you can make someone laugh then they will be more likely to talk with you, giving you a chance to impress them and get their phone number or ask for their Snapchat username.

The best way to find out if somebody likes your cute pick-up line is by checking how they react.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (9)

Will a pick up line get me a date?

The sole purpose of a pick up line should not be to get a date. However, if you have cute and funny phrase or line, then people are more likely to want talk with you!

If your goal is to get a date or number from somebody then the best lines to use are the cutest pickup lines because girls usually don’t like guys who try too hard.

Funny ones work well for when the person has a good sense of humor and you want to connect.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (10)

Will a pick up line get me laid?

Certainly not.

If your goal is to get laid then regular pickup lines will not do the job.

You have to be assertive and confident because cute pick up lines are a start, but they’re just that – a start. Girls want somebody who takes charge and knows what they want.

So if you wanna score with cute or cheesy pick up lines, just be confident and maybe, just maybe you could get lucky.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (11)

What to say after a pick up line?

Say something. Literally say anything.

You could say something like, “You know all my prayers were just answered when you smiled at that cheesy pickup line about my last parking ticket.”

If you use a good line and the person responds with a smile or laugh, then it’s good to continue talking.

But if they reject your cute pick-up line like giving it zero attention or just walking away from you after you said something funny, that’s not okay! Be assertive and figure out what happened.

Girls don’t like guys who give up after one cute pick up line, so be sure to keep going!

There is a fine line here, and make sure you know when you have lost and should simply walk away.

Just as there is a such thing as love at first sight, there is also creepy at first glance. Don’t be creepy.

99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation (2024)


What line to use to ask a girl out? ›

50 Cutesy Lines You Can Use To Ask Your Crush Out On A Date (That They'll Definitely Say Yes To)
  • If you keep looking at me like that, I'll have no choice but to ask you on a date.
  • I love flirting with you, but I'd have even more fun dating you.
  • I'll pay for dinner tonight if you initiate our first kiss.

What lines to make a girl blush? ›

Genuine compliments to make a girl blush
  • You have the most stunning eyes I've ever seen. ...
  • Your smile is unique and captivating. ...
  • I love how your laugh sounds; it is genuine and contagious.
  • You have a fantastic sense of style. ...
  • You have such a kind and caring heart.
Jan 25, 2023

How do you flirt with a boy line? ›

Best Pick Up Lines for Flirting
  1. I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't let you bring your own snacks in.
  2. No pen, no paper but you still draw my attention.
  3. All the good pick up lines are taken but you aren't.
  4. Excuse me while I delete my dating apps.
  5. This must be a museum because you're a work of art.

How do you pick up a guy on tinder? ›

To start a conversation with a guy on Tinder, or on any other dating apps, try starting with a simple “hello” and then come up with a question to ask. An open-ended question specifically can help you not only start a conversation but keep it going as well.

How to rizz her over text? ›

Follow the tips below on how to flirt over text and your crush will respond in no time.
  1. Don't settle for “hey” Start the conversation with a strong opener. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Show off your sense of humor. ...
  4. Compliment them. ...
  5. Use emojis. ...
  6. Avoid the triple text. ...
  7. Don't ghost.
May 4, 2023

How to flirt a girl? ›

Below are a few body language cues that often signal interest in someone, according to Boodram:
  1. Making eye contact.
  2. Smiling.
  3. Orienting your body toward the person you are flirting with (hips and feet facing them)
  4. Mirroring their movements.
  5. Catching their eye, averting your gaze, and then looking back again.
Mar 24, 2022

How do I make my crush blushing? ›

Making a Girl Turn Red
  1. Try to make the compliment about her, rather than about her things. As a simple example, you might say "You look great in that dress" instead of "I like your dress."
  2. Explore topics besides her looks. ...
  3. Don't lay it on too thick. ...
  4. Any sincere and personal compliment should work.

How to make a girl 100% blush? ›

How to make a girl blush - Quora. The simplest way is to either surprise her with a sincere and unexpected compliment, especially in front of other people. The second simplest is to embarrass her. I would pay attention to the girl, and let her know that you care about her.

How to tease your crush? ›

Tease them gently about something they're good at/confident about. If your crush is a star athlete, try saying, "So how many extra goals is your team going to score when they don't have you on the field?" Or, you could say, “With the high grades you get, I'm starting to wonder if you're bribing the teachers!”

How do you Rizz a guy on Tinder? ›

Pay attention to their profile and use an opener that you think matches their vibe and personality. You also don't have to use a line to have Tinder rizz; try asking them about something on their profile. Show genuine interest. Now that you've broken the ice, you have to be able to keep the conversation going.

How do you pick up a guy? ›

You should walk up to him, initiate eye contact, and say a friendly "Hello." Then ask him a question, or give him a compliment. Don't be afraid to smile -- chances are, he is probably nervous too. Then, go ahead and introduce yourself. You can keep the question simple and let the conversation go from there.

What to say to a hot guy on Tinder? ›

“Hi,” “hello,” or “hey” is fine, and probably the best way to start a conversation on Tinder, as long as you include a question along with it. A simple, yet effective thing to say is “Hey, how's it going?” When you include a question, you give your match something to reply to to start a conversation.

What to text a girl to ask her out? ›

Send a text saying "Would you want to do [such and such] activity with me?" Don't wait too long to ask her out. You don't want the conversation to go on a tangent and make asking her out seem too awkward or unexpected. There's no need to make too much small talk when you're just texting each other.

How do you properly ask a girl out? ›

Instead, be clear, concise, and articulate what you want – a date with her. For example: "I'd like to take you out so we can get to know each other better." Don't be forceful. Avoid telling her what she should do or what she'll be missing if she does not go out with you.

How do I ask my crush out? ›

Instead of stopping at, “Do you want to go out with me?” ask them to join you on a particular activity. Suggest something fun and cheap that you'll both enjoy, like going to a movie, a hike, a museum, or a school event. You might also ask them to hang out at your house, or to have a picnic together at the park.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.