41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (2024)

One of the most powerful habits you can have when you first wake up is to practice morning affirmations. What we do in the morning sets the tone for the whole day!

My favorite, healthy morning routine is to drink a large glass of water with a probiotic, work out, eat breakfast, and write in my journal. And usually, my journaling includes writing down a few positive affirmations. They help to remind me of what I want to focus on during the day, from having a calm yet productive day as well as practicing self-compassion with myself and kindness with others.

41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (1)

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Using Positive Affirmations in the Morning

Having a wonderful and successful life doesn’t have to be complicated. It all starts with our morning. Very Well Mind says:

The morning routine helps us set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. As we start each day fresh, we can better focus on what is in front of us, where to prioritize our time, and, ultimately, increase our productivity.

Essentially, having a disciplined, organized morning can set us up for self-confidence, endless opportunities, and so much joy through the rest of our day. And when we’re healthy, we’re more successful!

RELATED: Use These Morning Routine Ideas to Boost Your Spiritual Development
44 Affirmations to Stay Focused and Productive During the Day

Building Your Dream Life

Sometimes our everyday life can feel do different from the life that we’re trying to build for ourselves. But we can begin to build that successful life with a little bit of positive thinking. Affirmations work by helping rewire our brains to see the positive, wonderful things in our lives.

The right mindset can bring you personal growth, a positive attitude, health, positive energy, and endless opportunities.

Small improvements that you can make regularly, every morning are the building blocks we use to construct our best life.

Starting Your Day with Meditation

When you use morning affirmations, try them out with meditation or self-hypnosis. Often, when we wake up in the morning, we feel frantic to get a good start that we end up putting ourselves in a state of anxiety! This is counter-productive. I feel I’m most productive when I spend some time doing “nothing”.

This is because meditation is an focused practice that helps us clear the clutter from our lives. Meditation allows us to turn our attention on our bodies and our minds for a short time that helps to streamline our energy.

Try this short 10-minute meditation below by Boho Beautiful Yoga on YouTube. If you find your mind wandering and thinking about things you have to do today, gently let go of those thoughts. Instead, focus on your breath, focus on her voice. Focus on how you feel.

The mantras, or morning affirmations, she uses is:

Today is a beautiful day of opportunity.
I am exactly where I need to be.
I open myself to the universe and trust in the unfolding of my life.

Using Morning Affirmations with Your Own Meditation

If you’re ready to jump in, sit in silence or find some ambient music. Choose your own affirmations for the morning that resonate for you.

Sit as long as you’d like and repeat those affirmations to yourself.

Check out some Affirmation Cards to help with your morning routine!

Transformational Affirmations Ebook

Affirmation ebook with 900+ Affirmations

This post and ALL 30 affirmation posts on Wild Simple Joy have been combined into a PDF ebook. If you feel that you will want to come back to this information again and have easy access to 900+ affirmations, then this might be for you.

Beautifully formatted with no ads. $12


41 Powerful, Positive Affirmations for Your Best Morning Every Day

  1. I feel energized, healthy, and powerful.
  2. As I rise, I gather positivity and hope.
  3. The sun comes up and I feel strong!
  4. I greet the day with confidence and poise.
  5. My path is clear and free from obstacles.
  6. Air fills my lungs and my body fills with energy.
  7. I am excited to tackle the day!
  8. I have an entire day ahead of me.
  9. The Universe brings me beautiful moments through my day.
  10. Joy is mine at any moment today.
  11. My day is filled with beauty and wonder.
  12. I have everything inside me to make today a wonderful day.
  13. I own my truth today.
  14. I am strong, gentle, and full of good vibes.
  15. I am open to what the Universe will offer me today.
  16. I am enough.
  17. The sun’s warm rays fill me with energy and power.
  18. I stand tall and strong today.
  19. I face the day with honesty and integrity.
  20. I go with the flow every day.
  21. Challenges are my chance to grow today.
  22. Even the little tasks fill me with joy today.
  23. It feels great to be alive!
  24. I see the goodness in life everywhere.
  25. I easily adjust to meet my challenges.
  26. I am surrounded by abundance and richness.
  27. Life is fulfilling and I feel content!
  28. I am full of life satisfaction.
  29. My abundance and joy spill over to the people around me.
  30. I wake up with excitement to begin my day.
  31. My morning is calm and helps me recharge for my day.
  32. I breathe in the wonder and joy of a new day.
  33. I relax my body and prepare for a calm, productive day.
  34. I find joy and happiness throughout my day.
  35. My day is filled with love from the people I care about.
  36. I practice self-compassion today and treat myself with grace.
  37. I share my happiness with others today.
  38. I fully experience all my emotions and thoughts today.
  39. I accept whatever life brings me today.
  40. My day is full of happiness and pleasures!
  41. I am authentically me today and everyday.


Another great set of affirmations for the morning are self-love and self-worth affirmations!

Quotes and Affirmations from Dr. Joe Dispenza to Change Your Mindset40 Affirmations for Attracting Love into Your Life

33 Affirmations to Feel Emotionally and Physically Safe

41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (3)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (4)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (5)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (6)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (7)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (8)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (9)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (10)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (11)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (12)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (13)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (14)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (15)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (16)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (17)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (18)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (19)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (20)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (21)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (22)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (23)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (24)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (25)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (26)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (27)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (28)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (29)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (30)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (31)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (32)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (33)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (34)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (35)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (36)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (37)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (38)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (39)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (40)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (41)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (42)
41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (43)

41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations

41 Powerful, Positive Morning Affirmations – Wild Simple Joy (2024)


What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

Here are some positive mental health affirmations to get you started:
  • I am a strong, capable person.
  • I have done difficult things in the past, and I can do them again.
  • I have experienced challenges in the past, and I am more resilient because of this.
Jan 26, 2023

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

Powerful affirmations to say daily
  • I radiate confidence and positivity.
  • I am fearless in pursuing my goals.
  • I am a force of nature.
  • I create my own opportunities.
  • I am in control of my life.
  • I am aligned with my highest purpose.
  • I am a powerful creator.
  • I attract positivity and repel negativity.

What is my daily affirmation today? ›

I am having a positive and inspiring impact on the people I come into contact with. I am inspiring people through my work. I'm rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid. Today is a phenomenal day.

What are the best daily affirmations? ›

Affirmations to try today
  • My life is a gift.
  • I deserve love and happiness.
  • I care for myself.
  • Healthy food fuels my body.
  • Today, I will take steps to reach my goals.
  • I give myself room to make mistakes and grow.
  • I will find moments of joy today.
  • I embrace my power.
Dec 19, 2023

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What is the 555 technique affirmations? ›

55×5 Affirmations
  • Dear Universe, I am so grateful for $1 million dollars.
  • Dear Universe, I am blessed to have found the love of my life.
  • Dear Universe, thank you for my dream home.
  • Dear Universe, I now feel empowered, inspired and uplifted.
  • Dear Universe, I am healed, happy and in perfect health.
Jul 12, 2022

What can I say to attract money? ›

20 money affirmations
  • I am in control of my financial wellness.
  • My net worth is not my self-worth.
  • I am at peace with my portfolio.
  • I believe I have all the money I need.
  • My money goes to what I value.
  • I deserve the money that I earn.
  • I am a great giver of financial gifts.
  • My money works hard for me.

What is a positive self talk to start the day? ›

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome negative thinking, reduce stress, boost confidence, and set the tone for your day. Some examples of positive affirmations could be: 'I am worthy of success', 'I can do hard things', or 'today will be a good day'.

What positive statement would you say to yourself? ›

I am happy with who I am. Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better. I am a good person. I keep going because I believe in myself.

What is a one word affirmation? ›

This could be an encouraging statement like “Success”, “Joy”, or “Love”, or a word that represents the change you're looking to make, like “Confidence” or “Gratitude”.

How to start day positive? ›

How to Start Your Day in a Positive Way
  1. Practise gratitude. Focusing on the wonderful things we have rather than what we don't have is a simple step toward positivity. ...
  2. Make your bed. ...
  3. Nourishing your body with a wholesome breakfast. ...
  4. Listen to happy music. ...
  5. Keep smiling. ...
  6. Protect your morning time. ...
  7. Take one small step.

What is a positive statement to make you feel better? ›

15 well-being and happiness affirmations:

Today, I will find joy in where I am. I am grateful for my abilities and my gifts. I am a person of immeasurable worth. I am excited for the new opportunities today will bring.

How many affirmations should I say in the morning? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

What is the daily prayer for affirmation? ›

New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

What should affirmations start with? ›

Recite Them Aloud

Give yourself a little pep talk out loud in front of the mirror, in your car on the way to work or anywhere you happen to be. Start your short positive affirmation with the words, “I am…” “I can…” or “I will…” followed by a present tense statement, says Bathgate.

What are three quotes of affirmation? ›

Positive Affirmations to Help Depression
  • There is joy and beauty in every day.
  • I am grateful for my life's blessings.
  • I am deserving of love and happiness.
  • Happiness is a choice I choose.
  • I am enough.
  • People love and value me.
  • I give myself compassion.
  • This too shall pass.
Jul 11, 2023

What are some affirmations for the start of the day? ›

Good Morning Affirmations to Start With

I have the power to change. I love myself fully. I deserve peace and joy in my life. ​I'm doing my best and that is enough.

How to do affirmations for beginners? ›

How to Write an Affirmation Statement
  1. Think about the areas of your life that you'd like to change. For instance, do you wish that you had more patience? ...
  2. Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable. ...
  3. Turn negatives into positives. ...
  4. Write your affirmation in the present tense. ...
  5. Say it with feeling.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.