3 Year Friendship Anniversary Quotes - Friendshipsy (2024)

The idea of celebrating a friendship anniversary is a silly one because friendships aren’t like anniversaries in the sense that they don’t necessarily need to be celebrated to continue. However, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate your friendship with your friends yearly.

Friendship anniversaries are a special occasion for all the friends and family who share in the special bonds of friendship. The hard part about being a friend is just how short-lived friendships can be, but these three-year milestones are a reminder that true friendships can last longer than anyone expects.

Friendship anniversaries are a great way to celebrate your special friends, and the 3-year mark is a great time to do it. This is the time when you can take stock of all the things your friends have done for you over the years and all of the ways that they have been there for you. Whether it was an unexpected note of encouragement or someone dropping everything to help you move, these are the people who have been in your life for a long time and who mean a lot to you. Use these 3 year friendship anniversary quotes to tell your friends how much you appreciate them.

1. 3 years of friendship is like a lifetime on its own. I’ve learned so much from you, and it’s been an honour to be your friend. Happy Anniversary!

2. We’ve been friends for 3 years. This has been an amazing journey! Thank you for being you and making this all possible

3. It’s been 3 years, and we’ve grown so much. Thank you for everything. We are thankful for each other and this friendship. Happy Anniversary!

4. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since we started our friendship. I’m so thankful for all the memories we’ve created and the amazing life you’ve led me on. Happy Anniversary.

5. Our friendship has grown so much over the last 3 years. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

6. Today marks 3 years of friendship, and I know that no matter where we are, we will always be there for one another. Here’s to another three years.

7. Happy 3 Year Anniversary to my best friend, you’ve been there for me through everything, and I can’t thank you enough.

8. Today, our friendship with you has turned 3. We hope this anniversary will be filled with warm memories, laughter and good food.

9. Today, we celebrate the 3-year anniversary of our friendship. We’ve made some memories and built some relationships that we’re excited to continue growing into the future.

10. It’s been 3 years of memories, laughter and love with you. Happy Anniversary!

11. We’ve been through thick and thin, but we never stopped loving each other. Happy 3rd Anniversary!

12. 3 years, 3 milestones, 3 amazing women and endless memories. This is what friendship is all about. Happy Anniversary my friends!

13. 3 years of memories, hard work and tons of laughs. We’ll always have our friendship. Thanks for everything.

14. 3 years ago, we met, and now here we are. We stand by you and your success every step of the way. Happy Anniversary to us!

15. It’s been 3 years since we met, and there’s no way of knowing what the future holds for us. But now, more than ever, we enjoy each other and our life and love the world around us.

16. Happy 3-year anniversary to the one and only. You’re the best, and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being my best friend, lover, sonnet and everything else!

17. Happy anniversary to three wonderful friendships that have lasted this long and always will.

18. We are so thankful to have been able to share these past 3 years with you. Happy anniversary, buddy!

19. 3 years ago, our friendship began. 3 years of ups and downs and memories that will last a lifetime. Here’s to many more adventures in these years ahead!

20. We’re celebrating 3 years of friendship, love and heartache in a very different way this time.

21. It’s been exactly three years since we started our friendship. I can’t believe it’s been this long! We’ve learned a lot about each other over these past few years, and I’m so thankful for everything you’ve done for me and how much support you give me every day. Happy Anniversary to one of my best friends.

22. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since we first met. What a roller coaster of love and laughter!

23. 3 years ago, we started this journey together, and today we celebrate all of the memories you helped make along the way. We love you, babe.

24. Happy Anniversary! We’ve been on this journey together for 3 years now. Three years of friendship and adventure, love, laughter, and tears. Your strength and you’re boundless energy are what keep me going. Love you to pieces!

25. How did we get this far in 3 years? When you come across a friend as good as you, you don’t worry about finding the words to say. Because all you need is a smile and maybe a hug each day, you know?

26. We could have spent the last 3 years going in different directions, but we stuck together through thick and thin. Happy Anniversary to us!

27. Celebrate your best friend’s 3-year anniversary with a gift that will remind her of everything that brought you two together.

28. Three years of friendship, 3 years of laughter and 3 years of memories to cherish. Happy anniversary my friend!

29. 3 years ago, we started sharing a friendship, a bond that has grown stronger with each passing day.

30. 3 years ago today, we started a friendship that has grown with each passing year. We share laughter, challenges, and all the ups and downs together. Happy Anniversary to our besties!

31. We couldn’t be more grateful for our friendship and the magic of our being together. 3 Year Anniversary

32. Love is not a game, and it’s not something you have to force. Love is patient and kind, which means it will be with you through thick and thin. Happy 3-year anniversary!

33. Our friendship is as strong as ever, and we’ll celebrate our anniversary every year with each other. Happy 3rd Anniversary, dear friends!!

34. It’s been three years since we started our friendship, and this year, I’ve realised that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy Anniversary, friend!

35. It’s been 3 years since we met, and we’re still getting to know each other. We’ve grown from awkward strangers into the people we are today. Thanks for being there for me when I needed it most, and thanks for always being there for me when I needed you most.

36. Time flies! It’s been 3 years since we started hanging out, and I can’t believe how fast it went. But here we are, still friends.

37. Saying a big thank you to our friends and family for supporting us all 3 years we love you!

38. Our friendship is stronger and more beautiful than ever. We’ve come so far together, and we hope to continue to grow and learn from each other for years to come.

39. Good friends are like stars you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Happy Anniversary to my best friend!

40. The three years we’ve been friends have been amazing, but it’s nowhere near the amazingness of this friendship anniversary cake we made.

41. Happy 3-year anniversary of our friendship. Thanks for everything. You’re the best.

42. We wouldn’t be here without you. Happy anniversary to my 3-year friendship with you.

43. 3 years. It’s been a great ride! We haven’t always seen eye to eye, but we always find a way to make it work. Thanks for being there for me when I was down, and thanks for being someone who I can trust with my heart.

44. Happy 3 Year Anniversary to the two of us! We’ve grown so much, and we’re better for it. We’ve come so far, we shouldn’t stop there.

45. 3 years, 3 wishes. Wishing you all the happiness in the world and a lifetime of love, always.

46. We’ve been through many ups and downs, but we always find our way back to each other. Here’s to the 3rd year anniversary of our friendship.

47. We’ve been friends for three years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for being by my side through thick and thin.

48. Three years ago, we welcomed you into our lives. There’s no better time to celebrate your love than now. Happy Anniversary!

49. 3 years and counting! This one’s for you, babe. Happy anniversary.

50. The best part about this friendship is that we don’t even have to say “Happy Anniversary”.

51. 3 years ago, we created this friendship. 3 years of laughs, tears, and just plain old fun. We are forever in love with each other, and we are so thankful for the memories we’ve made together. Happy Anniversary to the best friends ever.

52. 3 years of friendship, 3 years of memories and laughs. Happy Anniversary to this loveable pair!

53. 3 years. What a journey it has been. Thank you for the memories and for making each day better than the last. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for. I love you.

54. 3 years ago, we started our friendship. You made me laugh and taught me to become a better person. Thank you for always supporting me in all my endeavours! Happy Anniversary!

55. 3 years of friendship and loyalty. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you. You always have my back when it comes to things like this! Thanks a ton, buddy!

56. The best years of our lives were when we did everything together. Happy 3 Year Anniversary to the two of us!

57. Here’s to a three-year anniversary of you and me, a love story that started out as just a coffee date. Happy Anniversary, babe!

58. 3 years, 3 moments and a lifetime of memories. Happy Anniversary to our best friends.

59. It’s been 3 years, and we’re still strong. Happy Anniversary to us!

60. I remember when you first sat in my class. You looked so shy, but I knew you were destined for greatness. Happy Anniversary, my dear friend!

61. A few years ago, we had a toast to celebrate our friendship and so much fun that we’ve been through together. We are excited to bring this to you today as 3-year anniversary gift.

62. Just like friendship should be simple, sweet and everlasting. Here’s to 3 years of friendship!

63. 3 years of friendship, 3 years of laughs, 3 years of fun together. I am so thankful for my best friend and all the memories we have shared over the last 3 years. Love you to the moon and back, baby.

64. Happy 3-year anniversary to my best friend! I’m lucky to have you in my life and always will be. Love you more than any words could ever express.

65. How amazing is it to hold your best friend in your arms for a full 3 years and still have them there for you?! We are so lucky to be able to share this milestone with our friends, who we love so very much.

66. 3 years | 3 amazing and unforgettable memories | 3 best friends! Happy anniversary to these three, and thank you for sharing your lives with me.

67. 3 years and counting. Happy Anniversary to the best friends ever!

68. Happy Anniversary to the best friend a girl could have. 3 years strong, and we couldn’t be more thankful for your love, support and friendship.

69. Our friendship has grown and blossomed over the last three years. We have amazing memories together and count this as one of the best years of our lives. Happy Anniversary, babe!

70. This year, you and I will begin a new chapter in our lives. We’ll be heading into our third year of friendship, which means we now know each other so well that we have no problem paying it forward. Remember that the most meaningful gifts are always the ones you give to yourself. Happy Anniversary!

71. We’ve made it. The three-year mark is here! We’ve come so far and experienced much of life together, but most importantly, we’re glad to have you by our side. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.

72. I’m so glad you were with me through my first three university years. You are the smartest, most compassionate, and most beautiful girl I know.

73. Happy birthday, my best friend. I love you, and I’m grateful for every moment we’ve shared.

74. Three years is a long time to be friends with someone, and I can’t thank you enough for all the memories, laughs, and love we’ve shared. Happy anniversary!

75. 3 years, 3 summers together. 3 years of good friends. It’s been a great ride, and I’m grateful for the experiences we shared with each other. Thank you for being there for me through the ups and downs of life. You are beautiful inside and out, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend like you.

76. After 3 years of friendship and success, I’m so grateful for your support and guidance through this journey. Thank you for sticking with me! Happy Anniversary to the best.

77. 3 years of friendship, laughs and adventure. We are so grateful to have you as part of our family. Love you.

78. Happy 3-year anniversary to our best buds, who have become one of the strongest couples we know. We love you both very much and celebrate the growth and evolution of this relationship together!

79. 3 years ago, we started our friendship with this amazing man. 3 years later, we’re still going strong!

80. 3 years of friendship and adventure together. Happy Anniversary, my love!

81. Love is like a raindrop, it falls for everyone, but only one person can catch it. Happy 3-year anniversary to my best friend from school.

82. Happy anniversary to the best friends I could ever ask for. Here’s to 3 more years and more adventures!

83. Three years ago today, we said goodbye to the old and hello to the new. Here’s to another 3 years with you in it!

84. Happy Anniversary to my best friend and the love of my life. We’ve been through a lot over the last three years, but we still make it work! Here’s to an amazing year ahead.

85. We’ve come a long way from our first awkward lunch date to a strong friendship that stretches beyond the boundaries of our time together. We can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next, but for now, we are just enjoying every moment with each other. Happy Anniversary.

86. Happy anniversary to the love of my life! This year has been full of joy, love, and adventure. I can’t imagine ever being happier than I am now.

87. Thanks to my best friend, who’s always there for me, and I am so happy to have you in my life. Happy anniversary!

88. 3 years of friendship! It’s been an incredible journey, and we are forever grateful for every moment. You inspire us always to be true to ourselves and strive to be the best version of ourselves. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

89. 3 years of friendship. 3 years of exploring a new place together. 3 years of making memories and soaking in the sights. We are so thankful for this journey!

90. 3 years of friendship, travelling the world and being in love. Happiness is a great thing to see. Happy Anniversary, best friend.

91. 3 years ago, we began our friendship. We’ve gotten through so much together and made hundreds of memories that will last a lifetime. Happy Anniversary!

92. 3 years ago, we made a promise to each other to always have each other’s backs. And we haven’t regretted it for a second! Happy Anniversary, buddy.

93. It’s been 3 years, but we’re still best friends. Happy anniversary to you, too!

94. We’ve been celebrating our 3-year anniversary with a little bit of everything.

95. 3 years of friendship and adventure! One of the best things about you is that you deserve happiness. I can’t wait for what the future holds for us both.

96. The best part of being friends is the 40s you spend together over a glass of wine, and the other 3 years are just a bonus. friendship anniversary.

97. They say the best things in life are free, but a 3-year anniversary gift was too good to be true. Thank you for being my friend and helping me stay sane through all the craziness over the last few years.

98. After 3 years of friendship, we’ve survived the worst of times. Happy Anniversary.

99. It’s been three years since I met you. For the friendship that has lasted through both good and bad, thanks for being a part of my life. Happy anniversary to the best friend ever!

100. I am so grateful for our time together 3 years ago today. We have achieved so much, and I have learned from you. You have been a great friend and mentor!

101. Celebrating our 3 year anniversary. Thank you for being an important part of our lives. We love you!

102. 3 years ago today, I’d never dreamed that one day I’d be celebrating our 3rd anniversary. Thank you for making this journey with me.

103. 3 years ago today, we started this journey. We’ll cherish every moment because they are no more precious than this. Thank you for all the memories and here’s to many more!

104. Happy anniversary to my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me and making me laugh. I love you!

105. It’s hard to find someone who shares the same sense of humour, but it was worth it. Happy Anniversary!

106. Happy Anniversary to my best friend! You have been by my side through thick and thin, even when I didn’t realize it. We celebrated our 3 year friendship anniversary with a precious weekend away. Here’s to our future together!

107. 3 years ago. We sat down at a coffee shop and talked about our future, careers & everything else under the sun. 3 years on, and we’re still best friends! Thank you for being there for me.

108. 3yr the anniversary, and still madly in love. Thank you for being my best friend. I could not have asked for someone better who understands me.

109. We have been friends for 3 years. It has been an amazing ride with you, but it is time that we each take a step forward alone. I wish you the best in life and love.

110. 3 years, 3 trips, 3 friends and 3 amazing memories. We’ve been through everything together; we’ve laughed and cried, and there’s not a single day that goes by that we don’t know how lucky we are to have met each other.

111. 3 years ago, we met and started our journey together. Always remember this day because it is special to us, and we’re thankful for everything that has happened. Cheers!

112. It’s been 3 years since we first met, and there’s no doubt why we’ve stuck together. Happy anniversary to the best friends ever!

113. We thought we would celebrate this 3-year anniversary with a toast. Cheers to our friendship, love and laughter!

114. 3 years of friendship, love and laughter. Here’s to another year of laughs and smiles!

115. We’ve been friends for 3 years and are so thankful for each other. Happy anniversary, dear!

116. Happy 3-year anniversary! Here’s to another year of friendship and laughs.

117. 3 years ago today, we met you, and quite honestly, we love you just as much now as we did then. Happy Anniversary!

118. We’ve been friends for three years, but it feels like we’ve known each other forever. Happy anniversary.

119. Happy 3-year friendship anniversary! Here’s to another year of ups & downs and learning from each other.

120. A little over 3 years ago, we met and have been friends ever since. Thank you for all the laughs, tears, love, adventure and life lessons over these past 3 years! We cherish your friendship more than words could ever express. Love you!

121. Three years ago, we became best friends forever. We were never apart and spent so much time together. Thank you for being there when I needed someone most, always making me smile and laugh. Love you!

122. 3 years together, 3 years of love and times we couldn’t have imagined as they came and went. Thank you for your friendship over the years.

123. 3 years ago, we started our friendship. I can’t wait to see what the future holds as we continue this journey together!

124. It has been 3 years since we started this journey together. It has truly been an amazing one, and I can’t thank you enough for being such an amazing friend to me these past three years.

125. You are the reason we do what we do, the brightest star in our sky, the sun. Tonight we celebrate you. Happy 3-year anniversary!

126. Happy 3-Year Anniversary to us! We can’t thank you enough for always being there, cheering us on and cheering each other on. We love you so much, husband.

Trust you enjoyed these 3 year friendship anniversary quotes. You can drop your comments, and don’t forget to share them with your loved ones. Thank you.

3 Year Friendship Anniversary Quotes - Friendshipsy (2024)


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