2B Mindset Dinner Recipes (2024)

With the2B Mindsetnutrition program with Ilana Muhlstein, you’ll learn how toeat healthy without feeling deprived, without counting calories, and without cutting out whole food groups. It’s a win-win-win!

A key part of building a positive relationship with food and eating is to have healthy recipes on hand for every meal.

To help you get started, we’ve put together this roundup of2B Mindset dinner recipes so you’ll never be tempted to order takeout or grab something unhealthy.

If you’re not familiar with 2B Mindset but want to learn more about this healthy approach to eating,read about Ilana’s journey here.

Pro tip:Check out these delicious, easy2B Mindset recipes for breakfast,lunch, and snacks.

Get started with the 2B Mindset today!

2B Mindset Recipes for Dinner

1.Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

When you think of lasagna, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

(We bet it has something to do with melty hot cheese, al dente noodles, and lots of tomato sauce!)

With this healthy lasagna recipe, we focus on the good stuff, but you still get plenty of sauce and cheese.

Instead of traditional pasta, you’ll load up on spaghetti squash instead, a fiber-rich, lower-carb alternative to pasta.

After a trip to the oven, the spaghetti squash noodles will have absorbed some of the tomato and cheesy goodness. Yum!

Get the recipe here.

2.Beef and Broccoli With Red Bell Pepper

If your fridge is filled with a hodgepodge of extra veggies at the end of the week, this quick stir-fry is a great way to make good use of those orphans.

This versatile beef and broccoli recipe tastes phenomenal with bell peppers, garlic, and fresh ginger.

Bok choy, asparagus tips, and crisp water chestnuts would all work well, too.Get the recipe here.

3.Instant Pot Beef Stew

A traditional beef stew with fall-apart tender beef, silky vegetables, and rich broth is almost impossible to pull off on a weeknight.

It can take several hours of slow simmering for stew meat to soften and for complex flavors to develop in the broth.

Enter the Instant Pot (or any electric pressure cooker). This kitchen appliance takes beef stew from a special-occasion feast to totally a doable weeknight dinner.

Get the recipe here.

4.Garlic Basil Shrimp With Zucchini Noodles

You can make zucchini noodles, or “zoodles,” with a vegetable peeler, mandolin, or spiralizer.

The pasta-like texture is a perfect base for all sorts of sauces and toppings. Try these delicious garlic shrimp with fresh basil on a bed of zucchini noodles tonight.

Pro tip:If you’re using a vegetable peeler, cut each zucchini into lengthwise strips about ⅛-inch thick.

Turn zucchini slightly after cutting each strip to work evenly around the outside, stopping when you hit the seeds at the core. Cut slices lengthwise into ½-inch ribbons.

Get the recipe here.

5.Breakfast Salad

Breakfast for dinner? You bet. It’s time to up your breakfast game and think outside of the cereal box. Who says you can’t have a salad for breakfast?!

It’s super simple and super delicious: just top hearty greens with egg, bacon, a few other salad staples.

We love the added crunchiness of the sunflower seeds and turkey bacon with the tenderness of the soft-boiled egg and tomatoes.Get the recipe here.

6.Kale Salad With Chicken

This hearty salad will blow away any sad desk lunch: It’s packed with chicken, tomato, and refreshing cucumber slices, and sunflower seeds for a nutty crunch.

Finish it with a squeeze of lemon or this healthyCreamy Lemon Caesar Dressing.

Pro tip:Make your kale leaves softer and sweeter tasting by massaging them with both hands and rubbing them together.

Get the recipe here.

7.Vegan Slow Cooker Stew With Chickpeas and Spinach

This vegan stew is packed with colorful veggies, like bell peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, and spinach in a savory coconut curry broth.

Simmering everything in a slow cooker with garlic, ginger, and spices allows the flavors to meld into a fragrant, flavorful broth.

If you don’t have aslow cooker, a big soup pot will work, too. Just cook over very low heat and reduce the cooking time.

Get the recipe here.

8.Marinated Summer Veggies With Chicken Sausage

Balsamic vinegar, fresh lime juice, and garlic add a refreshing kick and brightness to this meal, and a sprinkle of fresh basil creates a “right-from-the-garden” flavor.

This simple recipe only requires chopping and slicing, so you can prep in advance or do a big chop-and-slice session for a bigger batch.

Pro tip:Look for all-natural chicken sausage to avoid preservatives and keep the sodium low.

Get the recipe.

9.Bell Pepper Nachos

These nachos taste like the “real” thing but are actually healthy!

This nacho recipe features wedges of sweet bell peppers with seasoned ground turkey, fresh pico de gallo, jalapeños, and sharp cheddar cheese.

(Yes, these bell pepper nachos still have plenty of melted cheese — we’re not monsters, you know!)

If you want to add a little more flair, top them with diced avocado or a dollop of low-fat Greek yogurt.Get the recipe.

10.Chicken Cacciatore

Our clean-and-lean version makes four very hearty servings that will keep you satisfied.

Freeze leftovers in individual portions for an easy dinner on a busy weeknight.Get the recipe.

11.Pesto Zucchini Noodles With Chicken

Zucchini noodles (“zoodles”) are a great low-calorie alternative to traditional pasta.

Combined with the bright, light flavor of basil pesto, this “pasta” dish won’t you make you fall into a food coma afterward.

Get the recipe.

2B Mindset Dinner Recipes (12)

2B Mindset Dinner Recipes (2024)


What is the 2B mindset meal plan? ›

2B Mindset is a healthy nutrition program from Beachbody. 2B Mindset uses the “Plate It” technique for staying on track – take your meal and put it on a plate and make your portions of carbs, proteins, and veggies match their guidelines for the day.

What is the 2B method of weight-loss? ›

2B Mindset is the breakthrough weight-loss program that teaches you how to eat in any situation. It focuses on what you CAN eat instead of what you can't—so you can lose weight happily and easily without feeling hungry or deprived.

How do I make a successful meal plan? ›

Make a Plan
  1. See what you already have. Look in your freezer, cabinets, and refrigerator. ...
  2. Write down your meals. ...
  3. Write down recipes to try. ...
  4. Think about your time. ...
  5. Plan to use leftovers. ...
  6. Make a grocery list. ...
  7. Build your shopping list as you go. ...
  8. Buy a mix of fresh, frozen, and self-stable items.

How fast do you lose weight with 2B mindset? ›

Dropping 1 to 2 pounds per week is considered healthy weight loss, and it should be doable for most people who are following the 2B Mindset.

Is there an app for 2B mindset? ›

All 2B Mindset materials and videos can be accessed on desktop or mobile web browsers and through the BODi app on these devices: iOS device (iPhone or iPad) Apple TV. Android device.

How to slim down 20 pounds? ›

Here are the 10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count calories. ...
  2. Drink more water. ...
  3. Increase your protein intake. ...
  4. Reduce your refined carb consumption. ...
  5. Start lifting weights. ...
  6. Eat more fiber. ...
  7. Follow a sleep schedule. ...
  8. Add cardio to your routine.
Nov 1, 2023

What are the three C's of weight loss? ›

In the end, remember the three C's of weight loss: Be Consistent with your exercise, Change the movements and workouts (if not every session, at least every 6-8 weeks), and Control your eating habits.

How to lose 25 pounds in 2 months diet plan? ›

You'll need to cut out at least 750 calories daily. One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories, so you'll need to lose 87,500 (3,500 x 25) over 60 days. To achieve this goal, you will need to lose 1,458.3 calories per day.

What are the 5 rules in planning meals? ›

They are:
  • Adequacy.
  • Balance.
  • Variety.
  • Moderation.
  • Nourishment.
Jan 28, 2020

What are 3 keys to successful meal prepping? ›

Follow these three steps and you'll be planning and prepping nutritious and delicious meals that fit your preferences and lifestyle!
  • Step 1: Make a Menu. First, think about your approach to meal planning — do you: ...
  • Step 2: Stock Your Pantry and Freezer with the Five Food Groups. ...
  • Step 3: Keep a Running Grocery List.
Jul 18, 2019

What are the 4 steps in the meal plan? ›

4 Ways to Make Meal Planning Easier
  1. Decide on meals. Make a simple weekly menu of meals your family enjoys. ...
  2. Check for ingredients at home. See what you already have in your pantry or fridge. ...
  3. Set aside time to shop and cook. ...
  4. Make a shopping list with your budget in mind.

What does 2B mindset include? ›

2B Mindset is a video-based weight-loss program designed to change your mindset about food, your body and losing weight. The program is not a diet but rather a lifestyle change. Instead of focusing on what you can't eat, the program focuses on what you can eat to feel full and satisfied.

What is the difference between 2B mindset and portion fix? ›

The FIX does the thinking for you – there is no guesswork. The 2B Mindset allows for more flexibility, but for those of you who need the structure, this might not be comfortable. And if you tend to overeat, not having the portions measured exactly for you, might lead to weight gain at first.

Do you count calories with 2B mindset? ›

There's no need to count calories or weigh your food with the 2B Mindset. The Plate It! Recap gives you guidelines on how much to eat from each food group for every meal of the day. Now that you know the food groups and their importance in your day, use this guide and worksheet to build your own Plate It!

Does bodi have meal plans? ›

Whip up healthy and delicious meals quickly and easily with this convenient 7-day meal plan. You'll stay on-track with a week's worth of 2B Mindset-approved recipes, plus grocery lists to help you find just what you need.


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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.