100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (2024)

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (1)Words are incredible. They can be a source of motivation and inspiration. Encouraging words can really change mood swings and make you feel rejuvenated. The truth is, there’s always need of some extra efforts from your end but these words can make you feel new again and give you the motivation to move on. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need a pair of thousand words but a short three word quote is enough to revitalize you. Am I right?

No matter how upset or sad you are feeling today, the powerful nature of words are always helpful. Even if your friend feels discouraging, share these words to uplift her moods. In my opinion, words are magical. They can stir a moment of joy and happiness in someone’s eye. That’s why it’s always said, ‘Think twice before you speak’. Once your words are out, they are never taken back. To help you out, I have collected a list of three word quotes that you can share anytime with anyone.

Three Word Quotes

Here are three word quotes to inspire you today.

“Never give up – “No matter how hard life push you back, try again and never give up. If you are thrown six times, stand up for the seventh time. Don’t let your weakness defeat your strength.
“Let it go” – When things trouble you, just let them go. It’s okay to move forward and try new things that come to your way.
“Believe in yourself” – Nothing will ever discourage you, if you believe in yourself. Aim high and have a faith that you’re going to accomplish.
“Appreciate the moment – “Ever took a minute and appreciate the moment you’re living in? If not, appreciate it now. It’s beautiful and will never come again in your life.
“Be a giver” – Instead of taking from others, be a giver. Let it be your wisdom, knowledge or smartness. Help others and make yourself better.
“Block out haters” – Haters are everywhere. Blocking them out is the safest way to ignore them and move forward with our life goals.
“Change is good” – As far as you’re human and taking breathe, you need change. It can be a something new for refreshing your soul or mind. Maybe, travelling to a beautiful destination will give pleasantness to your eye. It’s always good to have change.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (2)

“Count your blessings” – It’s normal that we all get disappointed at times. But, how often you count your blessings and feel blessed? Spare few minutes and see how blessed you are.
“Against all odds” – And, sometimes against all odds, against all facts, we still hope and we make it.
“All is well” – Life is all about surprise tests. We all are tested at different circ*mstances. Once, the bad time passes by, everything turns to normal. Just whisper to yourself that all is well. Everything is going to be fine.
“Do it now” – If you are still waiting for a perfect time, then you’re on mistake. Just, do it right now.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (3)“Try something new”
– Don’t scared to try new things in your life. Wake up and try new adventures. If something scares you, try it. If something isn’t working, try something else. Enjoy the beauty of new adventures in your life. Trust me, you’ll every bit of it.
“Dreams come true” – People see dreams and struggle every day to achieve those dreams. It’s an indication that dreams are achievable. So, be a dreamer and hustle every day to make those dreams come true.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (4)

“Remember to live”– In the hassle of every day life, don’t forget to live your life. Set a reminder that this life is beautiful and you’ve to live it beautifully.
“Nobody is perfect” – Stop chasing perfectionism at every stage of life. Nobody is perfect! It’s alright if you make silly mistakes. It’s alright if you failed to draw a straight line. It’s fine if you aren’t best at everything.
“Keep it cool” – Keep things easy, fun and cool. Love listening to jazz music while cooking? Cool!
“Learn from yesterday” – Things you’ve done yesterday were just mistakes you did unknowingly. Instead of blaming another couple of years, learn from those mistakes and move forward.
“Because I can” – Nobody is going to tell you over and over again. You’ve to assure it yourself that YOU CAN!
“Pursue your passion” – Let your passion sketch your career. If you’re passionate, nothing can ever stop you. Know your passion and pursue it.
“Live for others” – Don’t be selfish, live for others. The feeling of doing things for others is incomparable. When you live your life for others, you will have more inner satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (5)

“Now or never” – It’s either now or never. Don’t over think as it might kill your present desires. If you’re sure about something, just do it. Don’t spend another thinking whether to make the decision or not. Friend, you’re wasting a whole year!
“Make it happen” – Don’t let fear stop you from taking the action. In fact, make it happen and show it to everybody else.
“Be obsessively grateful” – There’s always something to be thankful for. Remind yourself and be grateful for things you’ve.
“Good vibes only” – Surround yourself with positive souls and positive vibes will naturally come to you.
“Feed your soul” – Your soul is the infinite power of who you are. Make sure you feed it well.
“You are enough” – You don’t need an army of thousand man to support you. Remind, you are enough! You can do everything possible.
“Smile. Sparkle. Shine” – Let your soul smile, sparkle and shine. Smile makes you feel happy and pleasant. And, it doesn’t cost you a dime. Right?

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (6)

“Every moment matters” – Stop wasting hours, days and years over arguments and unsettled decisions. Every moment in your life is priceless.
“Keep moving forward” – Obstacles hinder your way to success but always keep moving forward. Don’t let self doubts, and opinions stop you from moving forward.
“Use your wings” – Your wings already exist and you just have to fly. Spread your wings and fly high.
“Take the risk” – As you grow older, you will wish that why didn’t you trust yourself and became a little braver? Instead of creating worst-case scenarios in your minds eye, take a risk.
“Never look back” – You will never see great things ahead of you, if you keep looking at the bad things from past. Live, learn and never look back.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (7)

“Focus and win” – It always good to enjoy the feeling of winning. But, to achieve the winning moments, you’ve to be focused.
“You got this” – The secret sauce of getting awesome things in your life is knowing the fact that you know what you want and believe you can get it. You will have to push yourself hard and do things you believe in. Because, you know, you have got this!

“Never stop learning” – Embrace a lifelong journey of growth and discovery. Never stop learning, for knowledge is the key to unlocking new opportunities.
“Find inner strength” – When faced with challenges, tap into your inner reservoir of strength. Discover the resilience that resides within you.
“Love unconditionally always” – Love has the power to heal, connect, and transform. Practice unconditional love in all aspects of your life.
“Embrace every moment” – Life is a collection of moments, both big and small. Embrace them all, for they shape your unique story.
“Inspire with kindness” – Be a source of inspiration through acts of kindness. Your compassion has the potential to ignite positive change.
“Cultivate inner peace” – Nurture a sense of calm and tranquility within yourself. Cultivate inner peace, and you’ll navigate life’s storms with grace.
“Dream big dreams” – Dare to dream beyond the boundaries of the imaginable. Dream big dreams, and you’ll unveil your limitless potential.
“Stay curious always” – Curiosity fuels creativity and innovation. Stay curious always, and you’ll continue to explore new horizons.
“Choose happiness daily” – Happiness is a daily choice. Opt for joy, gratitude, and positivity to make happiness a constant companion.
“Find beauty everywhere” – Beauty exists in the ordinary and extraordinary. Open your eyes to find beauty everywhere, even in unexpected places.

“Hit the goals” – People act fast to set goals and become slower to hit those goals. Be a goal getter!
“Stop underestimating yourself” – You are far more physically and mentally stronger that you think. Never underestimate your ability to do things.
“Conquer from within” – If you want to conquer the world, you’ve to start from within yourself.
“Don’t set limitations” – Stop limiting your potential. Know that there’s an unlimited number of things you can do with your life.

100 Short and Powerful Three Word Quotes for a Positive Mindset (8)

“Winners never quit” – Quitting is never an option for champions. If you’re a winner, you don’t have to believe in quitting.
“Success breads success” – The more you experience success, the more you will be successful.

“Live with intention” – Intention gives purpose to your actions. Live with intention, and your choices will align with your deepest desires.
“Seek adventure often” – Life is an adventure waiting to be embraced. Seek adventure often, and you’ll create unforgettable experiences.
“Nurture meaningful connections” – Relationships are the fabric of life. Nurture meaningful connections, for they bring love, joy, and support.
“Appreciate the journey” – The journey itself is a destination worth savoring. Appreciate the journey, and you’ll find fulfillment in each step.
“Cherish cherished moments” – Cherish those moments that hold a special place in your heart. They are the treasures that enrich your life.
“Celebrate small victories” – Success isn’t always grand. Celebrate small victories, as they pave the way for larger achievements.
“Practice daily gratitude” – Gratitude is a powerful practice that shifts your focus to abundance. Cultivate it daily for a more joyful life.
“Embrace change gracefully” – Change is a constant in life. Embrace it gracefully, knowing that it brings growth and new opportunities.
“Discover hidden strengths” – Often, your true strength emerges in adversity. Discover hidden strengths within yourself during challenging times.
“Foster inner harmony” – Achieve balance and harmony within yourself. Foster inner harmony to navigate life’s complexities with ease.
“Trust your inner wisdom” – Your inner wisdom is a reliable guide. Trust it to make decisions that align with your authentic self.
“Live life fully” – Life is a precious gift. Live life fully, savoring each moment, and creating a rich tapestry of experiences.
“Radiate positive energy” – Your energy influences those around you. Radiate positivity, inspiring optimism and hope in others.
“Keep moving forward” – Embrace resilience in the face of adversity. Keep moving forward, learning, and growing.
“Choose joy daily” – Joy is a choice. Choose to find happiness in small moments, embracing life’s beauty and positivity.
“Prioritize self-care” – Care for yourself as you would for a loved one. Prioritize self-care to nourish your body and soul.
“Stay true always” – Authenticity is your greatest strength. Stay true to yourself, embracing your values and unique qualities.
“Dream big dreams” – Dare to dream beyond the boundaries of the imaginable. Dream big dreams, and you’ll unveil your limitless potential.
“Stay curious always” – Stay curious always, and you’ll continue to explore new horizons.
“Choose happiness daily” – Happiness is a daily choice. Opt for joy, gratitude, and positivity to make happiness a constant companion.
“Find beauty everywhere” – Beauty exists in the ordinary and extraordinary. Open your eyes to find beauty everywhere, even in unexpected places.
“Live with intention” – Live with intention, and your choices will align with your deepest desires.
“Seek adventure often” – Life is an adventure waiting to be embraced. Seek adventure often, and you’ll create unforgettable experiences.
“Nurture meaningful connections” – Nurture meaningful connections, for they bring love, joy, and support.
“Appreciate the journey” – The journey itself is a destination worth savoring. Appreciate the journey, and you’ll find fulfillment in each step.
“Cherish cherished moments” – Cherish those moments that hold a special place in your heart. They are the treasures that enrich your life.
“Celebrate small victories” – Success isn’t always grand. Celebrate small victories, as they pave the way for larger achievements.
“Practice daily gratitude” – Gratitude is a powerful practice that shifts your focus to abundance. Cultivate it daily.
“Embrace change gracefully” – Change is a constant in life. Embrace it gracefully, knowing that it brings growth and new opportunities.
“Discover hidden strengths” – Often, your true strength emerges in adversity. Discover hidden strengths within yourself during challenging times.
“Foster inner harmony” – Achieve balance and harmony within yourself. Foster inner harmony to navigate life’s complexities with ease.
“Trust your inner wisdom” – Your inner wisdom is a reliable guide. Trust it to make decisions that align with your authentic self.
“Live life fully” – Life is a precious gift. Live life fully, savoring each moment, and creating a rich tapestry of experiences.
“Chase your dreams” – Your dreams are the compass that guides your journey through life. Chase them relentlessly, for in their pursuit, you’ll find purpose and fulfillment.
“Find your purpose” – Discover the unique path that aligns your actions with your passions and values. Finding your purpose will infuse your life with meaning and drive.
“Love unconditionally always” – Love has the power to heal, connect, and transform. Practice unconditional love in all aspects of your life.
“Stay humble always” – Humility keeps you grounded on the path to success. It reminds you to learn, grow, and treat others with kindness.
“Dream big dreams” – Dare to dream beyond the boundaries of the imaginable.
“Embrace each moment” – Treasure every second, for life unfolds in moments of beauty and significance.
“Kindness ignites hearts” – Acts of kindness have the power to ignite warmth and love in the hearts of others.
“Explore your passions” – Dive into what excites you, and you’ll discover endless wellsprings of inspiration.
“Rise above challenges” – Triumph awaits those who rise above adversity with unwavering determination.
“Create your sunshine” – Even on cloudy days, your positivity can create rays of sunshine for yourself and others.
“Nourish your soul” – Feed your inner spirit with experiences and practices that bring you joy and peace.
“Cherish loved ones” – Express love and gratitude to those who hold special places in your heart.
“Live authentically now” – The path to fulfillment begins by embracing your true self and living in the present.
“Illuminate the World” – Let your inner light shine brightly, illuminating the world with your unique brilliance.
“Write your story” – Life is your canvas; seize the opportunity to write a narrative filled with purpose and passion.
“Connect, Not Compare” – Social media is a platform to connect with others, not to constantly compare yourself to them.
“Share Positivity Online” – Spread kindness and positivity when using social media platforms to create a more uplifting online environment.

Wasn’t this a rocking list? Maybe, not all, but many of these three word quotes might have given you enough encouragement in your present life. I’m sure you have felt more energetic, enthusiastic and motivated. Why not share this piece of inspiration with your friends and family?

What’s next? Enjoy these quotes too.

  • One Word Quotes
  • Two Word Quotes
  • Four Word Quotes
  • Five Word Quotes
  • Six Word Quotes

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.